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Secure Your Right to Repair

If you bought it, you should be able to fix it.

Right to Repair is the idea that you should be able to fix everything you own—wherever you want, whether that means fixing it yourself or taking it to a repair shop of your choice. Lots of manufacturers limit repair to their own repair services. This monopoly on repair lets them set prices wherever they want and refuse to do certain repairs, meaning stuff gets trashed too soon.

Legislation supporting Right to Repair requires manufacturers to provide repair documentation, parts, and tools to consumers and independent repair shops.

iFixit has been on the forefront of fighting for Right to Repair and repairable product design since 2003.

In the beginning, manufacturers ignored our calls. But we became authorities on repair, giving new gadgets repair scores and calling out unrepairable product designs. In 2014, we worked on the first-ever electronics Right to Repair bill—and since then, we’ve helped fight for repair legislation in 46 states and the European Union. 

We called on New York Governor Kathy Hochul to sign the bill in a billboard on the Governor’s drive to work and sent a tractor to the Colorado legislature to celebrate the first agricultural repair bill’s passage. We’ve cosponsored California’s Right to Repair legislation, which passed the Senate in June 2023. And we’ve been founding members of European repair organizations including and Runder Tisch Reparatur.

Today, lots of legislation has passed, and manufacturers have begun to listen—some have even asked us for help getting parts, tools, and documentation to their customers.

Want to join us? Look below for an advocacy organization near you, or let us know if your organization is missing.

Right to Repair in the United States

In 2023, we’ve seen 60 Right to Repair bills filed in 30 different states.

Find Your Local Right to Repair
Advocacy Network

Many Right to Repair bills are under consideration around the world, and legislators need to hear from real consumers and independent repair shops about why those laws need to pass.

Find your country below, or let us know if you've got a Right to Repair advocacy group that's not on this list: